Experience the joy of helping others.
If you are looking for volunteers, remember the young people of the It's My Move program. We encourage our young people to explore the community and give generously their time and talents. Service to others is a powerful tool; helping to instill the spirit of generosity, giving a sense of purpose, demonstrate care and empathy to others and the environment, altruism, & support of work important to the community.
Giving back engages our young people in the community, helping them to make connections, perhaps for the first time, with significant people and potential natural supports. Service Learning also exposes them to people connected in the business field, faith-based organizations, positive peers, etc. From these connections, opportunities for mentoring, fellowship or employment possibilities may emerge. Regardless, the connections and the participation in helping the community gives the young person a chance to experience the power of giving, builds assets and skills, and at the end of the day, a satisfied feeling of having been involved in a purposeful and worthwhile project.
We challenge all of our youth to identify and do a Social Justice Quest. This Quest is to reflect an issue that they are passionate about (such as animal abuse, homelessness, cancer or other awareness issues) gives them evidence of how they can make a difference and contribute to their community. The Social Justice Quest can naturally blend into Service Learning.
Think of us when your next project arises. We welcome both planned and unplanned requests for help with Service Learning Projects!
If you are looking for Community Service Opportunities, we would like to help you get started:
Read more about Service Learning and America's Promise at www.americaspromise.org.